Author Archives for Amy Bucklin

New Employee Benefit Plan Service Helps Nonprofits Assess Compliance

February 22, 2016 12:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Many nonprofit organizations provide a retirement plan for their employees. But unless the plan is already required to have an independent audit, most organizations are unaware of the high standard of fiduciary responsibility the IRS and Department of Labor place on plan sponsors to oversee their benefit plans and operate them in accordance with regulations.

Joint Costs: The Right Way to Allocate

February 22, 2016 11:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts

With so much attention these days paid to fundraising ratios, many nonprofits feel pressure to minimize their fundraising expenses. This makes allocating joint costs — costs associated with activities that have both fundraising and other functions — appealing. But before you take that step, make sure you’re familiar with some frequently misunderstood accounting rules.

How Healthy is Your Leadership?

January 4, 2016 3:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Every church is only as healthy as its leadership, and the healthier the church, the better the chances it will maintain sound financial management. Review these eight factors of healthy church leadership and consider where your team is strong and where there may be weaknesses.

Planning Your Budgeting Process

January 4, 2016 1:20 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The word “budget” can strike fear in the heart of nearly any staff member. These considerations will help you prepare to budget, resulting in a more successful process and an effective budget that supports your church’s goals.

Tax Considerations for Special Events

November 23, 2015 12:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Special events can be a good source of revenue for your organization, and annual events can grow into a strong, long-term source of funds. The key is that it takes planning. This article covers the potential tax ramifications you need to consider.