Church Assessment

To maximize your stewardship and effectively accomplish your mission, your church needs to have the right operational policies, processes, controls, and financial reporting in place.

CapinCrouse can help. We used our more than 50 years of experience providing audit, tax, and consulting services to churches to create the CapinCrouse Church Assessment™, a comprehensive, customizable analysis of your church’s operational health.

Four Areas of Service to Fit Your Needs

The Church Assessment is designed to empower churches of all sizes with financial insight, objective analysis, and meaningful recommendations. It consists of four areas of service, which can be purchased individually or collectively to meet your specific needs.

Administrative/Governance – We will review your corporate and administrative documents, policies, and information, including:

  • Articles of Incorporation and bylaws
  • Board and other policies, including gift acceptance, investment, conflict of interest, intellectual property, and record retention and destruction

Internal Controls – We’ll assess your internal control documentation, policies, and procedures to help determine whether you have the appropriate checks and balances in place to safeguard your assets and help prevent fraudulent activity or financial reporting. This includes a review of:

  • Contributions, revenue and cash receipts, cash disbursements, and payroll
  • Journal entries, vendor approval, and technology user rights

Financial Reporting – We will analyze your financial accounting functions, procedures, and reporting to identify strengths and weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement. This includes:

  • Chart of accounts and financial reporting structure
  • Key areas such as handling donor-restricted contributions and net assets, fixed assets, and others

Tax Compliance – We’ll review key areas of tax risk and compliance, including:

  • Correspondence concerning your exempt status with the IRS and state agencies
  • Personnel files and payroll records, including federal and state returns and reports (941s, W-2s, etc.)
  • Special areas such as documentation for withholdings, I-9 forms, ordination of ministers, designation of housing allowances, spousal travel, sales tax, unrelated business income, and other
Information and Insight to Help Your Ministry Move Forward

At the end of the assessment, you’ll receive a confidential, customized report with an executive summary of our findings and recommendations, including sample policies and other information. This is intended to address:

  • Weaknesses or potential issues
  • Areas for improvement
  • Action steps and tips based on current best practices

Get peace of mind about your church’s operational health. Please contact us to learn more.

Nonprofits – We also offer a Nonprofit Assessment. Learn more.