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Lisa R. Saul

Uniform Guidance Director

505.50.CAPIN ext. 2050
Areas of Service

Uniform Guidance audits
Program audits and agreed-upon procedures for state-funded programs
Cost certifications for Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program
NCAA agreed-upon procedures on schools’ intercollegiate athletic program finances


Lisa joined CapinCrouse in 1999. She has over 20 years of experience in performing and supervising Uniform Guidance audits of Department of Education student financial aid programs and a variety of funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Agency for International Development, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Labor, the Department of State, and the National Science Foundation. Lisa also has over 20 years of experience in program audits and agreed-upon procedure engagements of various state-funded programs. Prior to joining CapinCrouse, she spent nine years at a nonprofit that received significant federal funding. This uniquely equipped her to understand both the auditor and auditee roles and responsibilities.

Lisa stays current on changes in the Uniform Guidance audit area through her active participation in the Government Audit Quality Center of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Civic/Professional Involvement

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, member

Certifications and Licenses

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – Illinois

Speaking and Other Service

Lisa frequently serves as a continuing professional education instructor for Uniform Guidance audit training and audits of student financial aid programs.


B.A., Fresno Pacific College