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Kenneth Q. Tan


505.50.CAPIN ext. 1323
Areas of Service

Consulting and advisory
Management accounting
Strategic planning


Ken joined CapinCrouse in 2019 and has more than 15 years of public accounting and large nonprofit experience, providing both advisory and assurance services to various nonprofit entities, churches, and mission organizations. Ken managed the audits of public Fortune 100 and private multi-billion dollar companies for a Big 4 accounting firm before shifting his focus towards providing advisory and strategic planning for churches, nonprofits, and small to medium-sized businesses. In recent years, he has also served as the controller and corporate officer for a large faith-based multi-national mission agency. Ken is known for his relationship-based consulting and management style and his personal attention to client needs.

Civic/Professional Involvement

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, member
Georgia Society of CPAs, member
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, member

Certifications and Licenses

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – Georgia, Texas
Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA)
AICPA Not-for-Profit Certificate

Speaking and Other Service

Ken served as an adjunct professor at Liberty University’s School of Business, primarily teaching financial statement analysis and accounting ethics to students. In addition, he has conducted accounting seminars and workshops for ministerial staff and clergy regarding accounting best practices and developments for their churches and religious nonprofits. He has served as a speaker for national conferences and seminars, including the AICPA National Not-for Profit Conference.


B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S., University of Virginia