Nonprofit Resources


Public Confidence in Nonprofits Varies

A survey conducted by the Chronicle of Philanthropy — the first to measure public confidence in charities since 2008 — has found that two-thirds of Americans have a fair amount of confidence in charities. More than 80% indicated that charities do a “very good” or “somewhat good” job helping people.

A significant number of respondents, however, expressed concerns about charities’ money management. One-third said charities do a “not too good” or “not at all good” job spending money wisely, and 41% said their leaders are paid too much. Notably, half said that, when deciding where to donate, it’s “very important” to know that charities spend a low amount on salaries, administration and fundraising. And 34% said such knowledge is “somewhat important.”

Consider these statistics when you complete your next Form 990 or draft your next annual report. Are you clear about how you help your constituents while you manage your nonprofit’s money wisely?

We can assist you with:

  • An organizational operational efficiency assessment
  • A review of your functional expense allocations and best practice recommendations for improving your General Administrative & Fundraising expense ratios
  • A strategic communications review of your Form 990, with insights and recommendations on how you can better tell your organization’s story to your constituents through your tax return

Please contact us to learn more.


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