Nonprofit Resources


Nonprofit Issues Newsletter, April 2019

Addressing generational workflow challenges, minimizing the impact of rising interest rates and more.


How to Address Generational Workforce Challenges

When we talk about the importance of differences in the workplace, sometimes we forget about one of the most prominent dimensions — age. There are three main generations in our workforce currently, and we are on the brink of adding a fourth.

Understanding how to relate to each is critical to successfully keeping them motivated and engaged in their work. Read more.


Tips to Help Churches Minimize the Impact of Rising Interest Rates

Interest rates have increased over the past two years. That has significant cash flow implications for many churches, especially as we head into the slower summer months.

With that in mind, we’re sharing two resources to help.

This article outlines financing options that can benefit churches.

And Nathan Artt, Principal at Ministry Solutions, explores four considerations to help churches win in a rising interest rate environment.


From Idea to Impact: 4 Fundamental Elements for Sustainability

Organizations need to balance a nonprofit heart with a business mindset. Explore these four critical elements for sustainability that can take your mission from idea to impact.


Dual-Use Property Issues

What are dual use facilities? This article explains and outlines some tax considerations.


Lessons Learned from Implementing ASU 2016-14 – Functional Expenses

As ASU 2016-14 implementation efforts have been undertaken, one area is causing more issues than anticipated. This is the presentation of the statement of functional expenses that shows the analysis of expenses by function and natural classifications. Learn why.



2019 Higher Education Tax Reporting Trends Project Now Available

Last year’s many tax changes could continue to have an impact throughout 2019 and beyond. Download the free 2019 Higher Education Tax Reporting Trends Project white paper for survey results and insight related to top higher ed tax-related issues.

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

We recently gathered to celebrate God’s faithfulness to our firm, reaffirm our mission to the Kingdom of God, and honor the legacies of Dick and Gregg Capin. Watch this short video for highlights.


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