Nonprofit Resources


New AICPA Not-For-Profit Section to Provide Key Resources

When it comes to accounting and financial reporting, not-for-profit organizations have unique requirements and considerations. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has created a new Not-For-Profit Member Section designed to provide information and resources to those who work in and for this industry. This is the first time the AICPA has created a member section focused on a specific industry.

The objective is to provide the not-for-profit sector with informational resources, tools, webinars, email alerts on breaking news, notifications on new regulatory guidance, and more. The focus will be on four critical areas for not-for-profits:

  • Governance
  • Assurance
  • Financial reporting
  • Tax compliance

The AICPA is also planning to introduce a Not-For-Profit certificate program that will focus on nonprofit governance, audit, accounting, financial reporting, tax, and organizational risk issues.

The association plans to open membership in the section this spring. All AICPA members and affiliate and associate members are eligible. In addition, leaders of nonprofit organizations can become eligible for membership by joining the AICPA as non-CPA associate members. We will also share key information and relevant insight as provided.

If you have any feedback or questions about the new AICPA Not-For-Profit Member Section, please let us know in the comments.


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