Nonprofit Resources
Loving Our Neighbors
Like many of you across this great country, we are deeply saddened by recent events. The United States of America was built upon the Judeo-Christian ideals that God-given rights are not to be denied any person.
At CapinCrouse, our first value is:
Character – Honor God and serve others by maintaining integrity and being humble, truthful, accountable, self-aware, and self-disciplined.
We ask that all of us turn our hearts, our prayers, and most importantly, our actions back to what God has asked of us:
‘… And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.
Mark 12 30-31 (ESV)
Please join us in loving your neighbor as yourself. If as a country we commit to loving our neighbor, our future will be remarkable. If we continue down a path of dissent and hate, our future is at best uncertain and at worse short. We ask that all our wonderful colleagues, our amazing clients, and our many friends take time to pray for an end to the violence around us and to act out of love for each other.
As leaders in serving faith-based nonprofits, we know the power of prayer and the power of a righteous man. Our Vision statement is: Transformed lives through revolutionary service. May we all pause and ask how we as individuals and a nation can transform lives through revolutionary service, compassion, and love.

Fran Brown
As Managing Partner, Fran leads the firm and guides the implementation of strategic plans and objectives. He is also involved in client acquisition meetings, significant board meetings, and representing the firm nationally. Fran has more than 30 years of experience providing audit and management consulting services to a variety of nonprofit entities, including colleges and universities. Fran previously led the New England Higher Education and Not-for-Profit Practice at Grant Thornton and was partner-in-charge of the not-for-profit practice at CCR LLP. His expertise includes strategic planning, budgeting, financial statement preparation, exempt-organization tax filing, real property sales and leases, board training, and enterprise risk management (ERM) training.