Nonprofit Resources


2015 Higher Education Update: Spring Edition

The Spring edition of our 2015 Higher Education Update provides information and insight on the top issues currently being discussed in higher education.

This includes:

  1. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) proposal to improve not-for-profit financial reporting – An overview of the proposed changes, which are intended to increase the relevance, understanding, and meaningfulness of financial reporting by not-for-profit entities.
  2. New NACUBO report on student financial services policies and procedures – Highlights from the report, which shows that the majority of institutions require students who take out federal or institutional loans to complete financial literacy programs.
  3. Consolidation of the industry – Thoughts on the likelihood of more college closures over the next few years.
  4. Accreditation issues for Christian colleges – What the recent accreditation review of Gordon College means for other faith-based institutions.
  5. Deferred maintenance – A look at the unintended consequences of deferred maintenance and why you need a realistic, sustainable repair and maintenance plan.

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Fran Brown

As Managing Partner, Fran leads the firm and guides the implementation of strategic plans and objectives. He is also involved in client acquisition meetings, significant board meetings, and representing the firm nationally. Fran has more than 30 years of experience providing audit and management consulting services to a variety of nonprofit entities, including colleges and universities. Fran previously led the New England Higher Education and Not-for-Profit Practice at Grant Thornton and was partner-in-charge of the not-for-profit practice at CCR LLP. His expertise includes strategic planning, budgeting, financial statement preparation, exempt-organization tax filing, real property sales and leases, board training, and enterprise risk management (ERM) training.

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