Nonprofit Resources


What Would Happen if Your Organization Was Hacked?

The news is full of headlines about cybersecurity and hacking:

  • Wikileaks Releases More DNC Emails Near Eve Of Election
  • Yahoo Says 1 Billion User Accounts Were Hacked
  • Cyber Fraudsters Reap $2.3 Billion Through Email Wire-transfer Scams

Cyber attacks are a significant and growing risk and nonprofits, regardless of size, are not immune. Do you know what to do if your organization’s information systems or data are compromised? Who would you need to notify? What state regulations would you need to comply with? A cyber attack can have a tremendous impact on an organization’s finances, operations, and reputation, but there are steps you can take to reduce your risk.

The comprehensive Cybersecurity Assessment from CapinTech can help evaluate your organization’s cybersecurity risk and provide meaningful recommendations to reduce it. Our team of cybersecurity experts stays up to date on rapidly changing cybersecurity threats so you don’t have to.

This service includes:

  • A thorough assessment of over 100 different information security controls to determine whether they exist and are operating as intended.
  •  A vulnerability assessment to identify any potential vulnerabilities that may be exploited. This consists of scanning both your internal network and external Internet-facing systems against a database of more than 50,000 known vulnerabilities.

At the completion of your Cybersecurity Assessment, you’ll receive a clear, concise report of our findings and recommendations.

Visit  or email [email protected] to learn how we can serve you in this critical area. 


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